List of Social Bookmarking Sites
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Here is the lists of top Social Bookmarking sites. It is arranged in alphabetical order and not in popularity. Use these websites to promote your articles or blogs. If you know a site that you think should be included here, please post the URL in your comment. I am updating this lists from time to time so the order might be modified. Please link back to this page when you use this lists on your blog.
- Allmyfavorites - Create an organized page for your bookmarks that you can share with friends and family, access from any computer.
- Backflip - Check out the most popular links each day, set “The Daily Routine” as your homepage so you can visit your must stop sites each day with ease.
- Barksbookmarks - is a website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control.
- Bibsonomy - BibSonomy is run by the Knowledge Data Engineering Group of the University of Kassel, Germany. Its specifically designed for researchers, in sharing bookmarks and bibliographies.
- Blinklist - Social bookmarking with slick interface and new ways for organizing tags.
- Blinkpro - Dynamic folders, bookmark all links of a page plus all the usual features.
- Blipoo - Meet Blipoo, a social bookmarking site for “cool” people sharing “cool” stories. It claims to help bloggers drive more traffic to their blog because they allow self promotion..
- Blogbookmark - Designed specifically for Blog hunters, claims to have the hottest news, gossip, and blog chatter from around the web. I highly suggest that mainstream bloggers bookmark their entires here.
- Blog-buzz - Similar to Digg, but for blog posts.
- Blogmarks - Save your bookmarks, tag them with keywords for easy searching amongst your list, share with others.
- Blogrush - The fastest and easiest way to drive traffic to your blog automatically. Not actually a social bookmark site but helps a lot in building traffic to your blog.
- Bluedot - Tabbed user page showing a network of friends, bookmarks, and related tags. Allows you to import contacts from all the major mail services such as GMail and Yahoo.
- Blurpalicious - Get Blurped! Not too different from other social bookmarks, but I love the tagline.
- Bmaccess - Bookmark a site, add tags, when you look up a tag, you get the names and a little thumbnail image of the site along with it.
- Bookkit - is an absolutely free web service designed to facilitate bookmark (favorites) management needs.
- Bookmarkall - Organizer for bookmarks, calendar, diary and knowledge.
- Bookmarktracker - Free online storage, management, synchronizing and RSS sharing of your bookmarks.
- Bookmax - You can store your bookmarks and links to your favorite sites online and access them from wherever you are : basic Social Bookmarking.
- Buddymarks - The online personal, group and social bookmarks manager.
- Bukmark - Bukmark is a social bookmarking website.
- Buzka - is a free and easy way to share your favorite web stuff. You can save and organize all your favorite web pages by creating Spots on any interest or topic.
- Chipmark - Browse random “chipmarks”, share them, sort, filter, and get personal recommendations.
- Citeulike - Social bookmarking for academic papers.
- Claimid - Manage your online identity. Although this is not a normal social bookmarking site, users can bookmark sites which reference their identity and build backlinks in this fashion.
- Clipclip - Like an online scrapbook, you clip out the part of the site you want, then share it with whomever you want, and discover new places to visit.
- Clipmarks - Allows you to clip just the chosen bits of a webpage, save them to the main website, or even insert them into your own blog. Think of it as fancy block quoting.
- Cloudytags - A unique word analyzer connects to your page, gets all the words and suggest you the real tags your site is showing to the world.
- Complore - 10MB of file storage, public & private sharing, tag cloud, popular feeds and more.
- Connectbean - A themed social bookmarking site for enterprise-scale business.
- Connectedly - Import your bookmarks, batch edit them, check in on hot topics.
- Connotea - A themed social bookmarking site specifically for researchers, clinicians and scientists.
- Contentpop - It has the latest Web 2.0 features such as social bookmarking, blogging & RSS. It also uses the word POP in the title which means it must be good.
- Corank - coRank is a site where you can share whatever you find interesting on the web with people who value your opinion.
- Crowdfound - CrowdFound is essentially a social bookmarking website, but with a different vision in mind.
- - Social Bookmarking, Tagging, Blogging & Notes. Mmmmmm, Notes.
- - You add your bookmarks and access them from anywhere. Check out what others are saving and see where it takes you.
- Digg - Synonymous with social bookmarking: you Digg a story, others Digg it, the more popular it gets the better chance it has of hitting the first page.
- Digmypage - Build links, increase traffic, and make money. A fast growing new social bookmark site.
- Diigo - Highlight portions of a page, write on it like you would a piece of paper, share with your group, and search all publicly saved pages.
- Dzone - Fresh links for developers.
- Easybm - Allows users to bookmark their frequently visited sites on their private page, allowing 1-click access to their favorite web sites.
- Ecites - Organize your bookmarks by tags, add comments and notes, share publicly, subscribe to certain tags so you can be notified when a new site is added that may interest you.
- Enroll - Social bookmarking system based in India.
- Entrecard - Not actaually a social bookmark site but rather a great traffic tool for bloggers. Like blogrush but in my own opinion more effective.
- Ez4u Social Bookmarking - Ez4u to Bookmark : “Ez4u to Organize Ez4u to Share with Others Ez4u to Remember”.
- Fark - Social bookmarling community.
- Favoor - Favoor is your personalized new start page. Collect your favorite internet addresses.
- Feedmarker - A free, Web based RSS/ATOM aggregator and bookmarks manager.
- Feedmelinks - All the usual social bookmarking goodies, but you can also add links via email.
- Flipskipper - social bookmarking manager that allows users to pull concurrent searches from Yahoo!, Google News, and when surfing.
- Folkd - Folkd is a social web-service about pages, news, audios, videos and blogs.
- Frassle - Frassle helps you read and publish weblogs, track bookmarks, and find relevant content organized your way.
- Freelink - provides free pages of links that you can access anywhere at anytime.
- Freezilla - FreeZilla claims to be the first Web 2.0 freebies and promotions social networking site.
- Friendsite - Get free storage and share your photos & videos, get your own url and customize your page, create free evites and invitations, add friends, message people, create discussion forums and groups, blog, share and store your bookmarks & much more…
- Fropjack - is a social content website and owned by the ExactSeek company.
- Fungow - Fungow was designed to help better organize and keep track of your bookmarks.
- Furl - Not only can you do the standard bookmarking and sharing, you can save archived versions of a webpage and even export all your saved pages to a ZIP file.
- Fuzzfizz - FuzzFizz is a brand new social bookmarking site, where users vote for the most interesting and important news stories.
- Gather - Gather is a place to contribute articles and content, blog, tag and connect with people who share your passions. (Plus you can link out from the articles in this authority site).
- Getboo - is yet another free online bookmarking service which allows you to store, edit and retrieve your bookmarks from anywhere online.
- Givealink - Donate your bookmarks to this site to help them recommend sites and get a better understanding of how each person bookmarks.
- Hanzoweb - Hanzoweb - Bookmark, tag & share knowledge online
- Hyperlinkomatic - Hyperlinkomatic - bookmark list manager.
- I89 - Export to several formats, see popular & recent bookmarks, ability to shorten URLs.
- Icio - Danish Bookmarking engine.
- Ideanotes German - Social notes manager. Easy integration of references to books, news and articles.
- Ikeepbookmarks - Folders, search folder names and more.
- Iloggo - Simple web based bookmarking tool that you can use f
- Indiagram - Allows social bookmarking. Aim is to develop a community that shares information about websites on diverse topics.
- Jigg - is a socializing community with the latest stories / news submitted by users and has a familiar name
- Jots - Jots is a collaborative bookmarking system that allows you to Store, Share and Discover relevant links. Store your own links and choose whether to share them with the world, with a select group of people or just for yourself to use.
- Jumptags - is a revolutionary Web 2.0 social bookmarking web service for collecting, storing, sharing and distributing web bookmarks, notes, RSS feeds, contacts, and much more. Based on AJAX and other next generation web development techniques.
- Kinja - Kinja is a blog guide, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web.
- Leze - German Internet Bookmarking Service.
- Librarything - for books. Cataloging based on some 30+ libraries using the Z39.50 protocol.
- Lifelogger - LifeLogger is a great way to keep things that matter to you alive and sparkling.” And worth considering in a bookmarking campaign.
- Lilisto - Lilisto lets you store, manage and find your favorite links (or bookmarks) and removes the need to maintain them through your browser.
- Linkagogo - Favorites and Social Bookmarking Application, its unique dynamic toolbars automatically adapt themselves.
- Linkatopia - Keep private, share, mark as friends only, edit bookmark dates.
- Linkblog - Portuguese Social Bookmarking
- Linkfilter - is just what the name implies, a link filter. All links are posted and moderated by users. Links can be ranked on several levels: clicks, votes, age, or a combination of all three called points.
- Linkkarera - German Social Bookmarking site.
- Linkroll - Links open in new window, subscribe to tags, browse by archives.
- Linksnarf - Social link sharing with groups of friends.
- Linkswarm - Our little collection of links has been prepared by vast forces of evil to allow you a little pleasure. We want to make it all worthwhile for you, so sign up. I
- Listerlister - ListerLister is a social list building community where you can create, add to, and vote for both lists and the items added to them.
- Loom Delymyth - Collaborative bookmarking application written in PHP.
- Ma.gnolia - Discuss all the saved bookmarks in groups, see what the Featured Linker is all about, join discussions in the Hot Group.
- Markaboo - MarkaBoo is tool for saving websites, files, and notes from your browser, email or mobile phone.
- Marktd - Marktd is a reference & voting system that highlights marketing articles considered valuable by the marketing community.
- Memfrag - MemFrag stores your favorites personal notes, making them globally accessible from any computer.
- Memotoo - Lets users centralize and share your personal data.
- Mister Wong - Bookmark and tag, search for tags that interest you, make buddies with people who have interesting saved sites.
- Mixx - An up and coming bookmarking and social news sharing network which should rival Digg, Reddit and others, Mixx blends popular photos, videos and stories.
- Mobleo - Allows you to easily add, organize, and share your mobile phone bookmarks with your friends using your desktop computer.
- Multiply - Florida-based social network Multiply, which reports nearly 3 million users and $6 million in funding,opened its social bookmarking site recently and has done well. Definite authority.
- Murl - My URLs is a free online bookmarks manager, think of it as a bookmarks community.
- Mybookmarks - MyBookmarks is a free Internet service that allows you to keep your browser bookmarks and favorites online so you can access them from anywhere.
- Myhq - Store your bookmarks in one central location. Fast, text-based, banner free
- Mylinkvault - A free online bookmark manager. Other bookmark managers can be so clumsy to use - trying to rearrange your bookmarks can be slow and frustrating.
- Myprogs - Social bookmarking for programs you use.
- Mysitevote - MySiteVote is a community where you can vote your favorite site/s and view how popular a site is.
- Myvmarks - An online bookmark and online favorites manager.
- Myweb Yahoo - One button click adds your bookmarks to the search engine giants system, features duplicate detection to help you keep your bookmarks tidy.
- Mywebdesktop - A collaboration and communication tool, designed to be as generic and easy to use as a telephone and email.

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